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Owner of Bodied by Rico

Bodied by Rico

4865 Duck Creek Road
Cincinnati 45227

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 513-667-9169


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Bodied by Rico is a Black-owned business that aims to challenge, educate, and train members to achieve maximum sustainable results. Members achieve results through challenging but achievable workouts. The owner, Rico, is a certified weight loss specialist, bodybuilder, former D1 collegiate football player, and fitness trainer.

Workouts are discussed before starting so the member knows exactly what is happening. Furthermore, each workout is taught the importance of and demonstrated to prevent injuries. Bodied by Rico is rated E for everyone.

Bodied By Rico Services

Morning and Afternoon sessions are offered 1-to four days a week. Each session will last 45 minutes to 1 hour. This includes a warm-up and cool-down period.

Each Bodied by Rico session will fulfill fitness needs with one-on-one sessions. Members will receive excellent customer service, in-depth program knowledge, and nutritional tips to succeed.

Ready for a change? Reach out and Sign up for one of Rico’s training session memberships today.

About the Owner

The owner, Rico, was born in Detroit, Michigan. Rico was raised in a single-family home and became addicted to sports.

Rico was a three-sport athlete in high school but ultimately played football at Central Michigan University. After spending four years playing football, Rico went back and coached football at Central Michigan University.

Rico’s Obligation

  • Plan and achieve specific goals
  • Provide safe training
  • Challenge, inspire and motivate
  • Encourage fitness wellness through fitness programs
  • Change physical, mental, and emotional state
  • Have fun

Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are some of the best things to be done for cardiovascular health. Whether it be cardio, strength training, weight training, or a high-intensity workout, all are equally as important.

Stay motivated and sign up for a fitness regimen made specifically for the client. Rico’s personal training classes focus on the client’s goals, which differs significantly from other gyms.

Whether the goal is to lose weight or get stronger, Rico will help achieve the goals set. For more information, contact Bodied by Rico.

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Image provided by the Bodied by Rico website

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For more information


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 513-667-9169

Twitter / Instagram: @bodied_by_rico

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