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Shay ButterNaked

Shay ButterNaked

PO Box 31290
Cincinnati OH 45231

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 513-427-6868

Specializing in soaps, body butters, face creams, lip balms, body scrubs, and more.

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Shay ButterNaked is a Black-owned online retail company specializing in bath and body products. Owned by Shanaye Jenkins-Dogla, Shay ButterNaked offers various soaps, body butter, face creams, lip balms, body scrubs, and more.

Shea butter-based products help to improve the look of normal to dry skin. Waking up with healthy and glowing skin is easier than you think.


Shay ButterNaked Party Favors

Think about Shay ButterNaked party favors for your next get-together. Offering body butter, scrubs, and lip balm with free custom labels. Share the wonders of soft skin with your guests today.


How the business started

Shanaye, the owner of Shay ButterNaked, began her business when her daughters suffered from severe eczema. Doctors prescribed steroid creams that weren’t working and had poor side effects. She soon discovered that shea butter worked wonders on their skin.

Shea Butter is a natural butter that benefits your skin without known side effects. It has anti-aging properties, is high in moisturizing the skin, and has vitamins A, E, and F. It is also excellent for helping with eczema and psoriasis.

Soon after, Shanaye did some research on how to create her very own body butter. She wanted her girls to enjoy beautiful soft skin and different scents, so she experimented with different oils and emulsifiers.

It took her months to concoct the perfect formula. Their skin quickly improved after using her newly developed body butter on her daughters. She then started to use it herself and loved it.

The soft texture makes it easy to apply and melts on contact with your skin. People in her family quickly caught onto her products and suggested she share her creations with the world. Shay ButterNaked made its first official sale in March of 2021 and has been going strong since.


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For more information

Web: Https://

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 513-427-6868

Twitter / Instagram: @shaybutternaked

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